March 23, 2016

Joint MBA — Master in Engineering Programs

Universities such as MIT, Northwestern, and Stanford are world renowned for joint degree programs that combine the MBA with advanced learning in the engineering disciplines. But there are more universities offering joint MBA and engineering master’s programs than you might think. Here’s a short list of some of the strongest, including information on their application process (single or separate), their duration, their approximate cost, and the specific engineering degree awarded:

  • MIT Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) (single, 2 years, $128,000, MS Eng)
  • Northwestern U. (single, 2 years, $122,582, MS Design Innov.)
  • Cornell U. (separate, 2 years, $181,685, M.Eng.)
  • Stanford U. (single, 3 years, $174,645, MS Electrical Eng.)
  • U. of Michigan (separate, 2.5 years, $145,653, M.Eng. in Manufacturing)
  • Columbia U. (separate, 2.5 years, $286,348, MS Industrial Eng.)
  • USC (separate, 2 years, $93,275, MS Industrial & Systems Eng.)
  • Purdue / Indiana U. (single, 60 credit hours [3 credits/course], $69,890, MS Eng)
  • Johns Hopkins U. (single, 66 credits [28 courses], $139,500, MS Environmental Eng.)
  • Carnegie Mellon U. (separate, 3 years, $187,319, M.Software Eng.)

These are not the only joint MBA-M.Eng. programs, of course. The following schools (in no particular order) also offer dual-degree programs (with specific engineering degrees earned in parentheses):

  • Arizona State U. (online) (MS Industrial Eng.)
  • U. of Delaware (M.Eng.)
  • Clarkson U. (M.Eng.)
  • U. Massachusetts Amherst (M.Eng.)
  • San Jose State U. (MS Software Eng.)
  • Boston U. (MS Manufacturing Eng.)
  • U. Tennessee Knoxville (M.Eng.)
  • U. Louisville (M.Eng.)
  • U. of Alberta (M.Eng.)
  • Widener U. (MS Eng)
  • North Carolina State U. (M.Industrial Eng.)
  • U. Hawaii Manoa (MS Civil Eng.)
  • Baylor U. (M.Eng.)
  • U. of Missouri (MS Industrial Eng.)
  • Brigham Young U. (MS Mechanical Eng)
  • Utah State U. (M.Eng.)
  • U. of Houston (M.Industrial Eng.)
  • Auburn U. (M. Industrial & Systems Eng.)
  • Western New England U. (MS Engineering Mgmt.)
  • U. of Wyoming (MS Eng)
  • U. of Pittsburgh (MS Eng)
  • Rice U. (M.Eng.)

Finally, remember that if you’re willing to forego the MBA credential, you can earn a Master’s in Engineering Management (sometimes called ‘the engineer’s MBA’) from such respected engineering programs as:

  • Dartmouth U. (Thayer)
  • Duke U
  • U. Wisconsin Madison
  • U. of Nebraska Lincoln